360° feedback at Stuttgarter Versicherung
Our client’s concern
Growing closer – is the motto of the change process of the insurance company. Growing closer also means to support an open corporate culture and the exchange between executives and across different levels. Bearing that in mind the executive board of the Stuttgarter instructed KI.M to conceptualize and support the implementation of a 360° feedback. In the first round the focus was on the executive board and the top-level management. In this year’s session the division managers are going to be the feedback recipients.
The project
KI.M took care of the conception of a customized questionnaire which meets the demands of the insurance company, supporting the communication process, the operative implementation and furthermore accompanying the follow-up process.
The project was presented to the managers within the scope of a workshop. In the following phase of implementation the managers invited their feedback providers to take part in the survey. Each feedback recipient received apart from his individual report a coaching session to be able to interpret the results in an adequate way and draw conclusions for the personal development. The overall results were presented and discussed on a group level.
The result
Thanks to an excellent participation rate of 98% all managers received a significant and conclusive result. The attendance for the following coaching sessions was 100%. Furthermore, the content encouraged interesting discussions regarding cooperation within and across different departments. This topic will be dealt with within the scope of an executive retreat.
Managing Director & Head of Research