Finding the right person for the job, analysing potentials or providing orientation are possible goals of our Assessment and Development Centers. They all have in common that they portray the challenges of the job adequately to achieve reliable recommendations. We use recruiting tools and processes which are specifically designed and adjusted to fit each target group, company and branch. These tools are developed in close cooperation with our clients or by using our broad repertoire. We convince through the use of modern technology (i.e. Tablet Assessment ), internationality, flexibility and an appreciative atmosphere. Starting at individual modules for diagnostics to multi-step procedures – with our know-how and expertise we can support you in finding your future potentials.
Assessment Center
You are looking for the best candidate for a position in your company?
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Development Center
You want to systematically develop your employee’s competencies?
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KI.PAT Technology
You want to transport modern technology from daily routines into your assessment or development center?
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Remote Assessment
Remote and yet make a sound personnel decision?
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You want to use interviews throughout you personnel selection?
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Tests / Psychometrics
You are looking for a reliable partner in psychological test methods?
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